A man moving from independent living to assisted living within a retirement community
The widowed husband needed to move from cottage home to assisted living on campus. One adult child lived in California, two other adult children lived in the Greater Chicago Area. They were interested in receiving a few of the family’s long held furnishings and possessions.
Moving to assisted living meant disposing of most of cottage possessions. We worked closely with the siblings to identify what and how a variety of items were to be shipped. The next step was to identify those items that could be sold through consignment, liquidation and finally donation. Working with all of the out of town siblings, we were able to get the cottage home cleaned out early in plenty of time to turn it back over to the assisted living facility (saving on monthly rental fees). Further, everyone received their items in a timely fashion.
Lifestyle Simplified’s plan used all of the consignment and liquidation avenues available to maximize cash return. When it came to donations, the family received a detailed breakdown of all the inventory with a certified appraised valuation for tax purposes.
The unexpected sales and tax deductions more that paid for all the of services and shipping and moving cost! And the workload for the family was keep to a bare minimum.